Testimonials for Vienna:
CHROs, CFOs and distinguished professors have endorsed the Vienna HCA approach to human capital analytics. Here is a sampling of the testimonials the Vienna Human Capital Index has received:
• From a former CHRO of QVC: “The Vienna Index is an excellent and efficient tool to capture and analyze the true cost and productivity of all of the human capital engaged in the organization. The Vienna approach provides reliable, comprehensive and complete measurement that is consistent globally. It is the future of human capital analytics.”
• From a former CFO: “As a former CFO who relied heavily on metrics to help support the management of disparate businesses, I welcome Vienna’s contribution to the management toolkit. For too long, managers have been limited by their inability to quantify, at an organization level, the contribution of their human capital to the success of their business. Vienna introduces us to a new way to measure and track our progress toward improving not only the efficiency, but also the effectiveness of an organization’s human capital.”
• From the Founding Director of the Graduate Programs in Human Resource Development at Villanova University: “In my leadership role with the Graduate programs in Human Resource Development at Villanova, I am continually seeking innovations that will provide strategic advantage for human resource executives. Vienna has provided a breakthrough contribution with the formulas and analytic methods they have developed. Vienna has made the “hard” business case for human capital investments. HR leaders can use Vienna’s important contributions to the human capital analytics body of knowledge as the basis for making their own advancement to quantifying human capital.”